Molecular biology kits
Multisource DNA Isolation

Designed to efficiently extract DNA from various sources, such as blood, tissues, cultured cells, or forensic samples.
High yields of DNA with minimal contamination, ensuring that the isolated DNA is suitable for downstream applications such as PCR, sequencing, genotyping, or cloning.
Multisource RNA Isolation

Multisource RNA Isolation
Designed to extract RNA from various sample types, including cells, tissues, blood, bacteria.
Provides high yields of RNA with minimal contamination, ensuring that the isolated RNA
is suitable for sensitive downstream applications. -
User-friendly protocols that are easy to follow, making them accessible to researchers with varying levels of expertise.
Plasmid DNA isolation (Endotoxin free)

Plasmid DNA isolation (Endotoxin free)
Specialized kit aimed at obtaining plasmid DNA with minimal contamination of endotoxins.
Suitable for particularly crucial applications involving transfection of mammalian cells or in vivo experiments.
Plasmid DNA isolation

Offer convenient and efficient methods for extracting plasmid DNA from bacterial cultures.
Allows rapid purification of plasmid DNA with high yield and purity suitable for downstream applications such as Cloning PCR and Sequencing
Gel purification

Designed to isolate and purify nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) from agarose gels following
electrophoresis. -
Compatible with downstream applications such as cloning, sequencing, PCR, or other molecular biology experiments.
Plant DNA/RNA isolation

Designed to remove cell walls, secondary metabolites, and other compounds that can interfere with the extraction process and downstream applications.
Includes specialized lysis buffers for efficient cell disruption and removal of contaminants.
The purified DNA is suitable for various downstream applications, including PCR, qPCR, and sequencing.

Performs consistently across a range of experimental conditions, such as variations in
annealing temperature, reaction volume, and template concentration. -
The α PCR master mix is versatile, suitable for various PCR applications, has a long shelf life, and is cost-effective for both research and diagnostic purposes.
Colony PCR

Pre aliquoted PCR tubes, save time and reduce chance of human errors, leading to consistent results you can rely on.
Designed to handle potential inhibitors present in bacterial colonies, ensuring consistent amplification across different colonies.
No DNA isolation required.
Plant PCR

Our Plant PCR kits contain PCR enzymes and buffers optimized to tolerate common plant PCR inhibitors, such as polysaccharides, phenolic compounds, and secondary metabolites commonly found in plant tissues.
Our Plant PCR kits offer specialized solutions tailored to the unique requirements and challenges of amplifying DNA from plant samples, providing researchers with reliable tools for plant molecular biology studies and diagnostics.
Robust PCR

Uses a custom developed cocktail of enzymes to handle complex mixture of DNA from various sources, including bacteria, fungi, plants, animals, and viruses. This complexity can lead to non-specific amplification or competition between different DNA targets during PCR, affecting the specificity and accuracy of the assay
Works effectively in the presence of various substances, such as humic acids, polyphenols, polysaccharides, and heavy metals, which can inhibit PCR reactions by interacting with DNA
polymerases or other PCR reagents. -
Ideal for applications where high purity DNA is unavailable, such as soil samples, environmental samples, forensics…etc
Long range PCR

Performs consistently across a range of experimental conditions, such as variations in ​annealing temperature, reaction volume, and template concentration.
The α PCR master mix is versatile, suitable for various PCR applications, has a long shelf life, and is cost-effective for both research and diagnostic purposes.

Our RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction) master mix is a single mixture consisting of all components required for converting RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) and subsequently amplifying specific DNA sequences.
Suitable for applications such as qPCR where multiplexing may be required.
Fluorescence PCR

It is a single pot 2X master mix with a fluorescent dye that binds to double-stranded DNA molecules via intercalation, which causes an increase in fluorescence intensity. This property allows for real-time monitoring of DNA amplification during PCR.

Our (Loop-mediated isothermal amplification) LAMP PCR master mix is designed specifically
for LAMP assays, which are a type of nucleic acid amplification method that operates at a constant temperature, typically between 60°C and 65° -
LAMP master mixes contain a fluorescent dye, for real-time monitoring of amplification. This allows for visual detection of
Directional cloning (DC cloning)

Our BA DC Cloning Kits are meticulously designed for swift and precise directional cloning of DNA fragments into any vector. Central to this technology is the BA DC Enzyme, which seamlessly fuses DNA fragments with high efficiency and precision, facilitated by recognizing 15-bp overlaps at their ends. The kits offer heightened cloning efficiency, especially for lengthy fragments, short oligonucleotides, and multiple fragments, making them indispensable tools for molecular biologists seeking reliable and efficient cloning solutions.
TA cloning (pBA-T)

A Next-Generation Plasmid for PCR Product Cloning
Seamless Cloning: pBA-T features unique complementary 3-thymidine overhangs for direct PCR product cloning.
Enhanced Design: Constructed with a strategically designed X cassette for efficient cloning.
Superior Convenience: Facilitates streamlined cloning processes for researchers.
Cutting-Edge Technology: Engineered for precision and reliability in molecular biology applications
Explore the Future of Cloning: Elevate your research with pBA-T from bioartis.